Steven Laureys is Research Director at the National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS).
founded the Coma Science Group (2006) & directs the GIGA Consciousness Research Unit (2014-)
at Liège University, Belgium.
Currently, he is invited professor at CERVO Brain Centre, Laval University & CIUSSS, Canada (2021-).
For the past 25 years, Prof. Laureys has dedicated his professional life to the study of human consciousness
& translating that neuroscientific knowledge to better clinical care.
Together with his team, colleagues & industrial partners,
he explores the human mind in health and disease using the latest
neurotechnologies (structural & functional MRI, PET, EEG),
neuromodulation techniques (tDCS, TMS, vagal nerve stimulation) and wearables assessing
cognition, neuroplasticity, brain injury, coma and related states, concussion, sleep & meditation.
Scientific and clinical research papers :
Medline (US National Library of Medicine)
Scientific books :
The Neurology of Consciousness
WE LOOK FOR Near-Death Experience testimonies
contact :
For inquiries on research fellowships contact:
Coma Science Group : co directors Prof Aurore Thibaut and Prof Olivia Gosseries
Sensation & Perception Research Group : Prof Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse
Anesthesia & Intensive Care : Prof Vincent Bonhomme and Prof Didier Ledoux